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Eclipse Ankaios

Eclipse Ankaios manages multiple nodes and virtual machines with a single unique API in order to start, stop, configure, and update containers and workloads. It provides a central place to manage…

Activity - by type

  • There have been 899 commits made by 13 people on 5 repositories over the last 12 months.
  • There have been 109 issues submitted by 11 people on 2 repositories over the last 12 months.
Commits per month
Issues per month

Activity - by repositories

Repo Commits Issues 807 98 55 11 34 0 2 0 1 0

The EMO oversees the lifecycle of Eclipse projects, trademark and IP management, and provides a governance framework and open source best practices.

See the project’s PMI page at

List of Releases:

Organization Settings

  • GitHub organization: eclipse-ankaios
  • 2FA enforced: True
  • Default workflow permissions: read

Branch Protections

This project has a total of 4 repositories in its associated GitHub organization eclipse-ankaios . The graph below outlines the percentange of repositories that have either defined a Branch Protection Rule or Repository Ruleset: Branch protections

SDV Maturity badges recognise achievements made by the project towards the SDV maturity assessment goals. Learn more on the dedicated page .

These badges only apply to the SDV Working Group .

Blueprints integration

Is the project used to showcase the resolution of a real-life situation, either individually or integrated with other Eclipse SDV projects? See the SDV Blueprints project for more information.

SDV Blueprints integration badge for automotive.ankaios

<a href="" alt="SDV Blueprints integration badge for automotive.ankaios">![SDV Blueprints integration badge for automotive.ankaios](</a>


How well is the project doing when it comes to Requirements e.g. defining, versioning and managing, traceability, coverage, etc? For more details on the needs for the different levels of the Requirements Criteria read its definition here .

This project has not registered any activity on the criteria.


How well is the project doing when it comes to Testing e.g. defining, versioning and managing, traceability, coverage, types of tests etc? For more details on the needs for the different levels of the Testing Criteria read its definition here .

This project has not registered any activity on the criteria.


How well is the project doing when it comes to Documentation e.g. types of documents depending on contents, versioning, etc? For more details on the needs for the different levels of the Documentation Criteria read its definition here .

Documentation badge for automotive.ankaios

<a href="" alt="Documentation badge for automotive.ankaios">![Documentation badge for automotive.ankaios](</a>

Coding Guidelines

How well is the project doing when it comes to Coding Guidelines e.g. defining, adhering, managing issues etc? For more details on the needs for the different levels of the Coding Guidelines Criteria read its definition here .

This project has not registered any activity on the criteria.

Release process

How well is the project doing when it comes to Releases e.g. defining a process, versioning and managing, release notes, coverage etc? For more details on the needs for the different levels of the Release Process Criteria read its definition here .

This project has not registered any activity on the criteria.

OSS Best Practices

Is the project respecting OSS good practices files in their repositories? See also the legal documentation checker for more information.

OSS Best Practices badge for automotive.ankaios

<a href="" alt="OSS Best Practices badge for automotive.ankaios">![OSS Best Practices badge for automotive.ankaios](</a>

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