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Eclipse Dataspace Decentralized Claims Protocol

Technical DetailsDCP defines the following protocol flows.1. Base Identity Protocol (BIP)The Base Identity Protocol defines how to obtain and communicate participant identities and claims using self…

Activity - by type

  • There have been 122 commits made by 13 people on 3 repositories over the last 12 months.
  • There have been 68 issues submitted by 7 people on 1 repositories over the last 12 months.
Commits per month
Issues per month

Activity - by repositories

Repo Commits Issues 100 68 20 0 2 0

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Branch Protections

This project has a total of 2 repositories in its associated GitHub organization eclipse-dataspace-dcp . The graph below outlines the percentange of repositories that have either defined a Branch Protection Rule or Repository Ruleset: Branch protections

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